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Customer Sites

Customer Sites are key records used in several places across the product. They serve as the location for an Asset associated with a customer AND the location where Tasks are performed in the field. 

Adding New Customer Sites

To add a new Customer Site, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the My Customers > Customer Sites module

  2. Click the “Add New” button from the data grid

  3. Enter a Name and Description (Optional)

  4. Select the Customer associated with the site from the searchable dropdown menu

  5. Enter the Contact Information (Optional). After selecting the Customer, this information will be auto-populated from the same section in the Customer sidepanel but can be overridden

  6. Enter the Location Information including the address and region / sub-region if applicable (see below)

  7. Click Save and Continue

Site Locations: Provide Latitude / Longitude via Google Maps API

Add the address of a Customer Site using Google Maps. Google Maps will provide the Lat / Long of the site address based on the input in the Address field. But you also have the option of providing your own specific Lat / Long -- especially useful if the address is not well documented by Google Maps.

The Lat / Long is important as it is used as the check-in location when a tech is assigned to a task at the site.

Assign Regions / Sub-regions

Assign regions and sub-regions to a Customer Site. Regions are (optionally) used as part of the matching criteria when assigning a Technician to a Task at a Customer Site.

IF a technician has been assigned to a Contractor, when the Tech Recommendation attempts to match a Technician with a Task, it will check to see if the Region of the Customer Site matches the Region(s) of the Contractor(s) the Technician is associated with. If the Technician is associated with a Contractor in the same Region as the Customer Site, the Technician can be assigned to Tasks performed at the Customer Site.

Regions must first be added from the Settings > Business Settings > Regions module before they can be assigned to the Customer Site. For more information on adding and configuring Regions, refer to Customer and Customer Site Settings.

Customer Site Status

Active: After creating a Customer Site, the status will automatically change to “Active.” This makes the Customer Site visible within the applicable modules across the Productivity Suite. For example:

  • Customer Sites and Tasks: Tasks added to Work Orders must have an “Active” Customer Site which indicates the location where the task will be performed in the field.

  • Customers in Contracts: “Active” Customers are used when creating Contracts and must be created before creating a Contract.

Deactivated: Customers can be “Deactivated”, which will hide the Customer from use. To “Deactivate” a Customer, open the Customer sidepanel and click the “Deactivate” button. Customers can be reactivated at any time by clicking the “Reactivate” button on the same sidepanel.

CAUTION: Deactivating a Customer will also deactivate all Customer Sites tied to that Customer, cancel any Contracts tied to the Customer and cancel any existing Work Orders and Tasks tied to that Customer.

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