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Mobile Task Execution

The Zinier Mobile Task app is designed to provide a seamless experience for technicians, helping them execute in the field.

Core Capabilities

Android / iOS Support

Access the Zinier app from both iOS and Android devices.

Build Mobile and Tablet Workflows

Access the Zinier app from both mobile and tablet devices. Mobile workflows can be designed specifically for mobile or tablet to take advantage of the larger screens.

Access Mobile Apps on Tablets

Mobile workflows designed for mobile devices can also be accessed by tablets.

Change Workflows on the Fly

Configure mobile workflows using the web platform, and change and reorder pages in the mobile workflow. Engineers can perform the updated tasks directly without having to update the app.

Custom App Branding

Create different mobile projects with client-specific branding. The company logo and the primary colors in the App can be changed per project.

Multi-Language Support

Language barriers are no problem when following the task instructions on a mobile device. The Zinier App automatically detects the language settings of the mobile user's device. All content can be automatically translated, or specific translations can be manually configured using the web platform.

In-App Notifications

Configure and send in-app notifications to mobile users. Mobile users can view all their notifications from the Notification Center in the mobile app.

Offline Support

Tasks can be downloaded to the device and accessed offline in areas with low or no internet connectivity. When task data needs to be submitted or sent back to the web app, it is first stored locally and then asynchronously sent to the Server depending on the network connection.

Low-Bandwidth Consideration

When mobile users have low bandwidth, sending large amounts of data -- such as photos or videos -- can take time. With a feature we call Deferred Media Upload, dispatchers waiting for task results do not have to wait for all of the media to be submitted for the task status and other low-bandwidth data to be updated. This enables real-time visibility, even for tasks with large data packages.

Location Tracking

Track the real-time location of mobile users on the field. When mobile users are logged into the application and this configuration is enabled, the app updates the live location of the mobile user.

Security & User Access

Manage User Access

Web admins have full control over who has access to the mobile app. Mobile users can be deactivated at any time, which immediately revokes their access to the app.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two Factor Authentication and PIN-based access ensure app access is secure and client data protected.

Set Password Rules and PINs

Web admins can set organization-specific password rules to meet their specific security requirements. Examples include the ability to set the minimum password length, define what special characters are required in a password, and define password reset procedures (security questions and length of time before a password must be changed). Technicians can also utilize a PIN for faster access to the mobile app.

Forced App Update

It's important for mobile users to always be on the latest version of the app to take advantage of new features and ensure security. With this in mind, mobile users are always asked to update to the latest app version when it becomes available.

Navigation Menu

Access several important screens from the main navigation menu, including your Task List, Settings, Notifications, and Logout.

Switch Between Projects

If a mobile user belongs to more than one mobile project, he or she can switch between mobile projects at any time from the app.

View Notifications

View a list of In-App notifications you've received.

User Settings

Access several important user settings from this screen.

Change Password

Technicians can change their password at any time.

Debugging Mode

Technicians can enable Debugging Mode to facilitate technical support in finding and triaging technical issues.

Sync with Your Mobile Calendar

Technicians have the option to sync the Zinier app with their mobile calendar. Doing so will add Tasks directly to the calendar on their device.

Data Sync

Perform a manual data sync and see the progress of ongoing data that is in the progress of syncing.

Task Planning Capabilities

The Task home screen shows your Task List and acts as the default home page of the application

View Tasks in List View

Technicians can view their assigned tasks in a running list. As the Technician completes the Tasks, they are removed from the Task List.

View Tasks in Map View

Technicians can also view their assigned tasks as pins on a Map. Tapping on a Pin brings up the 'card' associated with the Task.

Access App Modules

If you have any app modules such as Mobile Inventory Management configured, Technicians, can view and access them from the Apps navigation button

Accept / Decline Tasks

NEW (23.4)

Technicians can accept or reject an assigned task directly from the task list. This capability is completely configurable and can be turned on or off based on the Task Type. If enabled, technicians will see an “Accept” or “Decline” button within the task card.

Task List Actions

NEW (23.4)

Technicians can take additional actions by tapping the Task List Actions button on a task card. Doing so brings up a list of actions similar in functionality to Workflow Actions (see below), but accessible from the Task List. These actions are completely configurable and can be turned on/off for each task type. 

Some example use cases are listed below:

  • Part Requirements / Requests: View a list of parts required for the task or request parts as needed.

  • Task Details: Bring up the task details screen to see task instructions, the site address, the customer’s contact details, and more.

  • Asset / Customer History: View customer service history or asset service history to better prepare for the job. 

  • Re-assign / Cancel a Task: Request that the task be assigned to someone else should circumstances require it. 

Task Execution & Workflow Capabilities

After a Technician enters a task from their Task List, several different options and capabilities exist.

View Task Details

After tapping on a task, technicians can view details about the task and customer site before heading to the location. This screen is completely configurable.

Capture Start Travel Time

Allow technicians to capture the time they start traveling to the customer site to keep the back office informed. 

Get Direction to Task (Navigation Apps Integration)

After tapping on a task, technicians can get directions to the customer site associated with their task via Google Maps and Waze integrations.

Geo-Checkin / Geo-Fencing

This feature is most useful when the Technicians are trying to Check In to a particular Customer Site. If geo-fencing is enabled, the Technician will only be able to check in within a particular, pre-defined radius of the Customer Site.

Task Progress Bar

Technicians can see a visual indicator of their task progress so they know how many steps are left.

Workflow Actions

Workflow Actions enable the user to call a separate page displaying a list of actions that can be performed, from within a Task. The available Workflows Actions can be found by tapping the “...” icon on the top left of the mobile navigation bar. For instance, if the user wants to report an issue to the dispatcher during a task, he or she can select “Report an Issue” by clicking on the “...” icon found in the top right corner of the navigation bar. Doing so will bring the user to a sub-page where he or she can enter information about the reported issue and submit it.

View Task Sync Status

Technicians can track the sync status of their submitted tasks and associated media files.

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