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Business Rules

The Business Rules section in the Configuration Panel allows you to define more advanced workflow logic for a component. While some components have additional settings within Business Rules, this section explains how the “Make Input Mandatory” feature and “Visibility Rules” feature work as they are common to all components in the builder.

Make Input Mandatory

This setting determines whether or not a mobile user is required to fill in the field associated with the mobile component:

  • Enabled: If “Make Input Mandatory” is enabled, the field MUST be filled in by the mobile user before navigating to the next page of the task. If the page contains a required field and the user attempts to move to the next page, an error message will appear below the required field. Once the required field is completed, the error message will disappear and the user will be permitted to move to the next page.

  • Disabled: If left disabled (the default setting), the mobile user is free to navigate to the next mobile page without completing the field.

In the example below, the Photo component is marked as mandatory via the component’s Configuration Panel. The mobile screens on the right display the resulting mobile interaction when a user fails to complete a mandatory field.

Visibility Rules

Visibility Rules allow you to show or hide a component based on inputs captured from a component elsewhere in the task.

  • Enabled: If “Visibility Rules” is enabled, the “Configure Visibility Rules” button becomes visible. Clicking on this button brings up the Visibility Rules pop-up which allows you to define business logic to show or hide the component.

  • Disabled: If left disabled (the default setting), the “Configure Visibility Rules” button remains hidden.

Because Visibility Rules use inputs from other components, it is recommended that you finish building all of your dynamic pages before setting up Visibility Rules.

Visibility Rules Example

To explain how Visibility Rules work, let’s use an example.

  • Suppose I have two fields on a dynamic page: a dropdown and a photo component

    • Dropdown: The dropdown component asks the user to answer the question, “Is the asset faulty?“ with a “Yes” or “No” answer

    • Photo: The photo component asks the user to “Take a picture of the broken asset”

  • Condition: In this scenario, I don’t want to capture the photo if the asset is NOT faulty. In other words, If the user selects “No” from the dropdown menu, I want to hide the photo component as I don’t need it. I only want the photo component to remain visible if the asset is faulty and the user selects “Yes” from the dropdown.

To define visibility rules in this scenario, I would do the following:

Step 1: Configure the Input Component that sets the visibility condition

  1. Drag and drop a dropdown component onto the Mobile Canvas of a dynamic page

  2. Double-click the label from the canvas to edit it and type “Is the asset faulty?”

  3. Open the Configuration Panel by double-clicking the dropdown component

  4. Add “Yes” and “No” as answer options from the Options setting

Step 2: Add the component you wish to show/hide

  1. Drag and drop a Photo component to your Mobile Canvas and place it below the dropdown component

  2. Double-click the label from the canvas to edit it and type “Take a picture of the broken asset”

  3. Open the Configuration Panel by double-clicking the Photo component

Step 3: Define the Visibility Rules

  1. Enable Visibility Rules for the photo component by clicking on the Visibility Rules toggle

  2. Click on the Configure Visibility Rules button to open the Visibility Rules pop-up

  3. Fill in the “If” condition fields. The component will be hidden from the mobile user if the conditions are met:

    1. *Reference question: The dropdown menu below “If” list all of the existing input components in the mobile task. Select the “Is the asset faulty?” component from the list as the “reference question”.

    2. Operator: The next dropdown contains a list of operators (“is equal to”, “is not equal to” etc.) that act upon the value you choose below. Select “is equal to” from the list.

    3. Value: Enter “No” as the value. The condition will be met and the photo component hidden if the mobile user selects an answer option that “is equal to” “No” from the “Is the asset faulty” dropdown/reference question.

    4. Adding Additional Conditions: In this example, there is no need to add additional conditions, but for other use cases, you can do just that but clicking the “Add Condition” button.

  4. Click Apply to save the rule

*To be visible as a Reference question in the first field above, the component MUST have a label as the label is used to identify it in the list.

Resulting Mobile Workflow Pages from the Example

The mobile screens below show the page before and after filling in the dropdown menu. In the last screen, because the user selected “No” from the dropdown menu, the Visibility Rules are met and the photo component is hidden.

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