ISAC 3.8 Mobile
These release notes include details of the New Features, Product Improvements, and Bug Fixes which are added in as part of the 3.8 release. In Zinier, we follow a push upgrade process for releases where the latest versions are all released simultaneously.
General Availability Release Date:
App Store Approval Status
Google for Android - PUBLISHED
Apple for iOS - PUBLISHED
Internal Release Notes
New Feedback Feature for media components
All users of the Zinier app will have to update the app
Feedback on Picture components
We’re introducing a new capability that allows to display a particular feedback for the media component. As part of the PQA project this feature was implemented to allow Auditors to approve, reject and provide feedback on reviewed pictures.
"feedback" : {
"orginalUrl": "123.png",
"message": "message to display",
"messageColor": "#FF1122",
"statusIcon" : "Approved",
"statusMessage" : "Approved"
For more details: BVPQA Feedback UI Changes

Mandatory fields for Multiple Photo Comment components
We have enable a new configuration key that would allow the Solution Developer to define what part of the Photo Comment component is mandatory.
"mandatoryFields": {
"isImageRequired": true,
"isCommentRequired": true
For more details: BVPQA - Photo Comment component Mandatory fields handling and also in MultipleComponent making fields mandatory for Photo Comment
Maximum/Minimum number of photos for Multimedia component
We have enable a key to define the minimum and maximum amount of pictures for a photo component with multiple pictures
Ensure the backward compatibility is maintained with the new configuration introduced for the min and max limits.
"limits": {
"min": 2,
"max": 5,
"minRequiredMessage": "You need atleast take `$min` pictures",
"maxExceedMessage": "You have reached the maximum number of photos limit"
For more details: ZMAND-4801