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Task Scheduling (Scheduling & Dispatch)


The scheduling module has been redesigned with new functions that include recalling a task and routing rejected tasks.

Key Navigation / Functional Changes

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Field / Subject



New Module name

Scheduling & Dispatch has been renamed to Task Scheduling.


Task Status

Previously all the tasks were displayed on the main page. For this release, tasks are now organized into these tabs based on status: Open, Dispatched, Pending Review and Completed.


Recall a task

Previously, when a task has been dispatched, a user cannot change the status back to Scheduled to edit the task.

With Recall Task, users can now edit a dispatched task.


Task Approval

Previously, both tasks and work orders require approval in the Work Orders module. In this release, approval is only required for Tasks. No approval is required for Work Orders.


Cancel Tasks

Previously, mobile users can cancel tasks from the app. This functionality is removed in this release.

In a later release, web users can cancel tasks.


Recommended Technicians

Previously, a scheduler can view a list of recommended technicians based on the customer’s site when assigning a task to a technician.

This functionality is unavailable in this release but will be accessible again in a later version.


JIT Scheduler, Batch Scheduler, Scheduler View

These tabs are currently unavailable in this release and will be available again in a later version.

Detailed Changes

This section describes the main changes with accompanying screenshots between FSE 1.0 and FSE 2.0.

To see all the designs, go to

Task Scheduling Main Page

Type of Change

Field / Subject



Task Status

Previously all the tasks were displayed on the main page. For this release, tasks are now displayed into individual tabs based on tasks' status:

  • Open Tasks: Tasks’ statuses which are Open, Scheduled and Reopened.

  • Dispatched: Tasks' statuses which are Dispatch and In-progress.

  • Pending Review: Tasks in Pending Review.

  • Completed: Tasks that are approved.


JIT Scheduler, Batch Scheduler, Scheduler View

These tabs are currently unavailable in this release and will be available again in a later version.

FSE 1.0

FSE 2.0

Scheduling and Dispatch Main Page

Open Tasks

Schedule & Assign

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Assign a task

Previously when a user selects a task to assign, it opens a side panel to schedule.

<need to add behavior for 2.0>



On the main page, notifications are now displayed when a task has either been assigned or dispatched.

<check if this was the behavior for 1.0>


Recommended Technicians

Previously, a scheduler can view a list of recommended technicians based on the customer’s site when assigning a task to a technician.

Screenshot of Recommend Technicians in FSE 1.0

This functionality is unavailable in this release but will be accessible again in a later version.

FSE 1.0

FSE 2.0

Scheduling & Dispatch

Schedule Tab

Site Details Tab

Dispatched Tasks / Recall a Dispatched Task (side panel)

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Field / Subject



Recall a task

Previously, web users cannot edit a dispatched task details.

With the new Recall Task functionality, a scheduler can now move a dispatched task back to Scheduled where changes may be made to the task.

When a dispatched task is recalled, the technician sees a notification on their app that the task has been recalled and taken out of their queue.

FSE 1.0

FSE 2.0

This functionality was not available in 1.0

Recall a Task (Web)

Task Approval / Pending Review Tasks (Side Panel)

Type of Change

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Task Approval

Previously, both tasks and work orders require approval in the Work Orders module. In this release, there is no approval required for Work Orders.

Approved Tasks
Once all tasks are approved, the Work Order then moves to Completed.

Rejected Tasks
When a task is rejected, the scheduler can choose either of the following:

  • Send back to the technician: Technician gets a mobile notification where they can view the Rejection Reason and comments provided by the reviewer. The expectation is the technician is still at the customer site and is to continue working on the task right then and there.

  • Reopen for scheduling and reassignment: No notification to the technician. The task is sent back to the Open Tasks section in Reopened status to go back through the full scheduling process. The new technician who gets assigned this task will be able to see all Task information once they’ve been assigned (photos, notes, rejection reason, etc.).

The SLA clock continues ticking regardless of rejection reason or Task Action. 

FSE 1.0

FSE 2.0

Old Tasks Results Tab

New Tasks Results Tab

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