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User Guide: Workflow Builder v2.0

This is a new feature to look out for in our ISAC 3.5 release.

This new version of the Workflow Builder is implemented a new library react-flow and provides a better UI/UX for business analysts and developers by fixing some of the limitations of the previous library. It also improves the details on the nodes both in the canvas and the menu.

What has changed?

  • New Drag & Drop Menu including details on Nodes

  • New way of connecting nodes by pulling connectors out of them

  • Connectors section removed

  • Zoom & Pan capabilities

  • Mini map of workflow

There are NO changes to the configuring Side Panels (except for query node) or the way the workflow is saved.

How do I create a Workflow

Video Tutorial
Step 1: Add new workflow
  • Navigate to the type of workflow you would like to create

    • Studio Z → Workflows → Stateless

    • Studio Z → Workflows → State

    • Studio Z → Workflows → Model

    • Studio Z → Mobile Projects → App Modules

    • Studio Z → Mobile Projects → Mobile Workflow

  • Fill in the mandatory fields

  • Save the Workflow record

  • Open the Workflow Builder

Step 2: Building a workflow
  • Drag & Drop the required nodes

  • Connect the nodes by dragging the edges and dropping in to the following node

  • Configure the nodes using the side panel

Step 3: Save

  • Click on save button

Pan & Zoom

Pan: Left Click & Hold

  • Do a left click

  • Hold and move your mouse in order to pan the canvas


  • Zoom in and out by using your track pad

  • Use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons in the lower-left corner

How to connect two nodes

Video tutorial

  • Drag and drop two nodes

  • Put the cursor at the edge of the node and move it.

  • You see the connector and drag it connect it to the next node.

  • Save it.

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