Zinier Dashboards
The Zinier Productivity Suite comes with several out-of-the-box dashboards. An overview of the dashboards that are available can be seen in the table below.
Out-of-the-box Dashboards
Dashboard | Type | Description | Filter |
Technician Utilization | Bar chart | During the last 30 days, how much time (using tasks) was allocated for each technician every day compared to the available time for the shift. | Last 30 days |
SLA Compliance Rate | Line Chart | From the completed work orders in the last 30 days, show the percentage of Work Orders completed within SLA compliance. SLA compliance is determined on a Work Order Level in the contract or if no contract is available the Deadline of the Work Order. | Last 30 days |
Task Completion Rate | Stacked Bar Chart | Total percentage of completed tasks as a portion of all tasks scheduled for the day. | Last 7 days |
Work Order Statuses | Pie Chart | Number of work orders per OOB Status by created date. | Today |
Tasks by Status | Pie Chart | Number of tasks per status by created date. | Today |
Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) | Line Chart | The time difference between Work Order Requested Date & Time and Work Order completed Date & Time, per WO Type. | Last 7 days |
First Time Fixed Rate (FTFR) | Line Chart | Percentage of the tasks that have been reopened at least once vs the ones that submitted by the technician only once (completed) and were scheduled for the same day. | Last 30 days |
Technician Efficiency | Data Grid | Shows how efficient a technician is in completing tasks compared to the allocated time in hours. Displays historical data by technician-date. | NA |
Platform Dashboard Capabilities
This section highlights the core capabilities of the 13 chart types that can be configured in Studio Z and added to any client solution. These 13 chart types can be used to visualize data. In conjunction with a Multi-Column Layout, it’s possible to create useful visualizations of the underlying data to provide meaningful and insightful feedback. The charts can be developed quickly in Studio Z and be connected to our DB to show data in real-time as part of any implementation.
Filter Data
Filters can be configured for each dashboard widget and are accessible from a dropdown menu on the widget.
Export Data
Dashboard widgets can be configured to export the underlying data in CSV format. The export functionality is accessible from a dropdown menu on the widget.
Standard Chart Types
Widget | Description |
Data Grid | Displays Data in a tabular form. |
Calendar Widget | Displays data in a calendar |
Map Widget | Visualize data in a geographical map |
Line Chart | Line chart supports multi-series data. |
Bar Chart | Bar Chart that supports multi-series bar chart as well as horizontal and vertical bar chart configuration. |
Pie Chart | Display data in % form in a circle. |
Bubble Chart | Bubble Chart is a variation of a Scatter Chart that allows you to visualize data in 3 dimensions. |
Radar Chart | Radar allows a user to compare multi-series data in multiple dimensions. |
Stream Chart | Stream chart displays a stacked area graph for multi-series data over a period of time. |
Heat Map Chart | Heat map matrix displays data in the graded color density. |
Sunburst Chart | A Sunburst displays hierarchical data, where a level in the hierarchy is represented by a circle. |
Scatter Plot Chart | A scatter plot is a type of plot using Cartesian coordinates to display values for typically two variables for a set of data. |
Pareto Chart | A Pareto chart is a type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph, where individual values are represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the line. |