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Mobile Workflow


The mobile workflow does not contain any pages which capture data. However, these pages can be added after the preconfigured bundles have been installed. The workflow between the Check-in and Submit pages are not provided as a part of PCB. These pages are to be built in Solution Builder.

On the Web, the User can see the Task and Site Details in the side panel as well as Task Results which come from the workflow completed by the Technician.

Task List

Technicians can view their assigned tasks and details from the Task List screen.

From here, a user can tap on a task to view the task details including a map that shows the location of the task.

Check-In Page

The check-in page displays the work order and task details along with these functionalities:

  • When a technician taps on Check-In:

    • Able to check-in within 500 meters of task location

    • Task Status will be In Progress.

    • Captured as the actual start date and time of a task

  • Tap Navigate with Map to open the technician’s native map app in their device (e.g. Google map).

  • View reason for a rejected task in Review Notes.
    Example: Review Notes for a rejected task

  • Update Incorrect Site Address: In the Task Details screen, select if you have an incorrect address, check this box and then enter the correct address and reason.

Check-In Page fields



Map of the task Customer Site Location

  • Map Component

  • Filled from Customers - Customers Sites

  • Read Only

Navigate with Map button

  • The button should open map App on the mobile device

Customer Site Adress

  • Auto Filled from Customers - Customer Sites

  • Read Only

Customer Name

  • Auto Filled from Customers - Customers

  • Read Only

Contact Number

  • Auto Filled from Customers - Customer Sites - Customer

  • Read Only

Work Order ID

  • Auto Filled from the Work Order - Work Order ID

  • Read Only

Task ID

  • Auto Filled from the Work Order - Task ID

  • Read Only

Task Type

  • Auto Filled from the Work Order - Task Type

  • Read Only


  • Auto Filled from the Work Order Priority

  • Read Only

Task Start Date & Time

  • Auto Filled from the Work Order - Task - Task Start Date & Time

  • Read Only

Task End Date & Time

  • Filled from the Work Order - Task - Task End Date & Time

  • Read Only

Task Description

  • Filled from the Work Order - Task - Notes

  • If the notes field for a task is not filled by the web user, do not show this component.

Incorrect Adress

If an incorrect address is selected

  • It is optional to select if an address is incorrect.

New Address

  • It is only shown if the user has indicated that the Customer Site Address is not correct.

  • Address Input Component

New Location Photo

  • It is only shown if the user has indicated that the Customer Site Address is not correct.

  • Photo Input Component

  • Should have a watermark with the following values in this order from the right top of the photo to the left bottom:

  1. Date & Time

  2. Technician Name

  3. Task ID

  4. Latitude / Longitude


  • It is only shown if the user has indicated that the Customer Site Address is not correct.

  • The dropdown component is filled from List Options - Answer Options - Wrong Site Adress Reasons


  • It is only shown if the user has indicated that the Customer Site Address is not correct.

Check-in Button

  • User should not be allowed to check-in he/she is not within a radius of 500 meters from the customer site and customer Site Address is not correct is not selected.

  • if the user has indicated that the Customer Site Address is not correct, a web task gets created as described in the flowchart.

  • Date & Time upon clicking on the check-in button should be stored as Actual Task Start Date & Time.

Rejection Reason

  • Only is shown if the task was rejected previously

  • Filled from the rejection reason filled by the web user

  • Read Only


  • Only is shown if the task was rejected previously

  • If the coordinator when rejecting a task on the web does not fill anything in the notes field, do not show this field.

  • Filled from the comments filled by the web user

  • Read Ony

Submit Page

When a technician taps Submit and End Job, the date and time are captured as the actual task end date and time. The task status then changes to Pending Approval.

The captured date and time are then reflected on the (Web) Task Details tab.

Submit Page Fields



Signature field

  • Signature Component

Submit & End Job

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