A crew is a group of technicians comprised of one crew lead and multiple crew members with different skills/roles, who work together on a single task. Previously, dispatchers can only assign tasks to a single technician. With the introduction of Crews, you can now assemble a group of technicians for a fixed period and assign tasks to the technicians in the crew.

Understanding Crew Members
A crew consists of the following members:
Crew Lead: A technician who is the owner of a main task on mobile. Only one technician in the crew can be designated as the crew lead. The Crew Lead has access to certain information about other crew members.
Crew Members: These technicians have a limited view of certain fields. They can view their task list, see customer site information, and manage their attendance.
A fixed crew is a planned group of technicians who work together for a fixed period of time, such as the duration of a project. Technicians can be swapped out temporarily or permanently as needed.
What do crew members see when their crew is assigned a task?
What crew members see on their mobile device upon task assignment depends on the selection made in the “Mobile Access for Crew Members” dropdown menu in the Task Type settings sidepanel. There are two different options:
Partial Access: Select this option if you need crew members to view the task on mobile or capture data themselves.
Crew Lead Access: The Crew lead always receives the full task and associated details and must submit the task.
Crew Member Access: Crew members receive a simplified mobile task to do things like to view their schedule, see task details and manage their attendance.
No Access: Select this option if you don’t want crew members to input anything in the task on the mobile app. This option makes sense when crew leads are giving instructions and inputting all of the data required to complete the task.
Crew Lead Access: The Crew lead always receives the full task and associated details.
Crew Member Access: No mobile task will be sent to crew members when this task type is assigned to their crew.
Create a Fixed Crew
Web users can create a fixed crew for a fixed period such as the duration of a project. Technicians can be swapped out temporarily or permanently based on various factors. To create a Crew, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Add Crew Information
Go to Workforce > Field Force > Crews tab.
On the Crew List section, click Add New.
On the Add Crew Members page > Crew Information section:
Crew name: Specify a crew name.
Description: Enter an optional description of the crew.
Contractor: Specify if a contractor is linked to the crew.
Region: Select a region.
Base Location: Enter a base location – this is used as the starting point when tasks are assigned to a Crew,
Start Date and End date: Select the start and end dates for the Crew.
From the Shift and Work Group section,
Shift: Select the type of shift to assign the crew to.
Work Group Select a workgroup
Click Save & Continue.
Step 2: Add Crew Members
Before adding members to a crew, ensure that the member has been added to the system as a User and then as a Technician.

On the Add Crew Members page > Crew Members tab, click Add Members.
On the Add Crew Member page, enter:
Region (optional): Select the region.
Contractor: Displays the contractor for the crew.
Skills (optional): Select the skills that the technicians must have.
Availability: Choose to view only available or all technicians.
Shift: Choose to view technicians with the matching skills you specified or all technicians.
Click View Technicians.
From the search result list, select one or more technicians and click Show Schedule.
Click Save. This adds the technicians to the crew.
From the Crew Lead list, select a lead for the Crew and then click Save.
After you clicked Save, you can now view the crew in the Crew List section. The status of the crew will be Active.
Technicians can only belong to one crew at any given time. Technicians already on a crew between the start and end date are filtered out and do not appear on the list.
View and Edit a Crew
After creating a Crew, you can view and edit the crew in the Crew List section.
View and Edit Shift/Work Schedule
The Crew’s Shift is used to determine the availability of a Crew when scheduling and dispatching. This includes Leave, Overtime, and Public Holidays. When creating a new Crew, the selected “Shift” will populate the “Work Schedule” tab in the side panel after the record is saved.
For more information on configuring Shifts, see the Workforce Management Settings page.
Edit Work Groups
Assign a Crew to Work Groups to set their task assignment eligibility based on Region, Work Order Type, Task Type, or Customer. Assign Crews to the default "All" work group to open up their availability for assignment to any tasks.
For more information, see the Work Groups page.

View Task Logs
View the tasks logs of the Crew.

For information on assigning tasks to Crews during Scheduling & Dispatch, visit the Assigning Tasks to Crews page