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Preconfigured Bundles (PCB)

A preconfigured bundle is a solution bundle that addresses common customer use cases. These bundles are built on top of Field Service Elements (FSE). A solution bundle consists of all Solution Objects that are needed for a complete solution. Solutions Admin can configure a bundle, and install it into another organization.

The release for the preconfigured bundles follows the features that are available in FSE 2.0.

The following mobile workflows are in scope for 2.0:

  • Corrective Maintenance

  • Installation

With preconfigured bundles, you can now:

  • Save on implementation time: Solutions admin can quickly build, bundle and install new org solutions.

  • Simplify upgrade: Reduces manual work of upgrading the organization as all parts of a solution bundle can be upgraded at the same time. 

  • Scale solutions: After installing the solution bundle into an organization, the solutions admin can continue to add or edit web projects, mobile projects or solution objects within the organization according to its growing needs. 

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