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Workforce Management Settings

The following section describes the various settings associated with managing your Workforce.

Manage Skills & Skill Levels

Once defined, Skills and Skill Levels can be assigned to Technicians and Task Types and used by the Tech Recommendation / Auto Scheduler to match a Technician with a Task Type.

Adding New Skills

To add a new Skill, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Settings > Workforce Settings > Skills module

  2. Click the “Add New” button from the data grid

  3. Enter a Name and Description (Optional)

  4. Click Save and Continue

  5. Next, add at least one Skill Level by clicking the “Add New” button from the Skill Levels data grid

  6. Give the Skill Level a Name and assign it a numerical Rank (0 is the lowest rank)

  7. Click Save

  8. Repeat steps 5-7 to add as many Skill Levels as needed

Manage Shift Configurations for Techs

Define (add and edit) a master list of Shift Configurations. Shifts define the weekly schedule and public holidays for a technician and are used to determine the availability of a tech when scheduling and dispatching. Once defined, Shifts can be assigned to Technicians.

Adding New Shifts

Once added, the Shift can be assigned to a Tech. To add a new Shift, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Create a Shift

  1. Go to the Settings > Workforce Settings > Shifts module

  2. Click the “Add New” button from the data grid

  3. Enter a Name and Description (Optional)

  4. Click Save and Continue

Step 2: Adjust the Weekly Schedule

  1. Next, adjust the Weekly Schedule with the desired working hours by clicking on each day of the week from the data grid

  2. From the Hours dropdown menu, select from the following Options:

    1. Custom Hours: Allows you to enter a custom start and end time for the day

    2. 24 hours: Users will be available for the entire day

    3. Off: Users will not be available to work on this day

  3. From the Schedule dropdown, select from the following options:

    1. Single Shift: A standard Shift with a Start Time and End Time for the day

    2. Split Shift: This allows you to split the day into two separate segments, each with a Start and End Time.

  4. If you’ve Selected Custom Hours and Single Shift, enter a Start Time and End Time for the day

  5. If you’ve Selected Custom Hours and Split Shift, enter a Start Time and End Time for both Shift segments

  6. If you’d like to Add a Break (Optional) to the day, do the following

    1. Turn the “Add Break” toggle to On

    2. Enter a Start Time and End Time for the Break

    3. Provide a Minimum Break Duration

  7. Click Save

Step 3: Add your Public Holidays

  1. Add any Public Holidays to the Shift by clicking the Add New button from the Public Holidays data grid

  2. Click Save

Managing Public Holidays

The Public Holidays module allows you to define a master list of Public Holidays for your Org. Once added, a Public Holiday can be applied to both Shifts and Service Windows.

Adding a Public Holiday

To add a new Public Holiday, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Settings > General Settings > Public Holidays module

  2. Click the “Add New” button from the data grid

  3. Enter the “Holiday Name” and select a “Date” from the sidepanel

  4. Click Save

Technician Calendars / Shifts

Adding a Public Holiday to a Shift blocks off the Technician's calendar and restricts tasks from being auto-scheduled on the given holidays.

For more information on adding Public Holidays to Shifts, refer to the Shifts section.

Adding Public Holidays to Service Windows

Adding a Public Holiday to a Service Windows will restrict tasks from being performed at the Customer Site on the given holidays.

For more information on adding Public Holidays to Service Windows, refer to the Service Windows section.

Managing Regions / Sub-regions

The Regions module is where you define a master list of Regions / Sub-regions for use in various related modules of the Zinier Productivity Suite. Once added, a Region can be assigned to a Contractor, Customer Site or used as a filtering criterion in Work Groups.

Adding Regions and Sub-regions

To add a Region / Sub-region to your Org, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Settings > Business Settings > Regions module

  2. Click the “Add New” button from the data grid

  3. Give the Region a Name and Description (Optional)

  4. Click Save and Continue

  5. To add a Sub-region, click the “Add New” button from the Subregion data grid.

  6. Give the Subregion a Name and Description (Optional)

  7. Click Save

  8. Add as many Subregions as needed

Using Regions with Contractors / Customer Sites

Regions are (optionally) used as part of the matching criteria when assigning a Technician to a Task at a Customer Site. IF a technician has been assigned to a Contractor, when the Tech Recommendation attempts to match a Technician with a Task, it will check to see if the Region of the Customer Site matches the Region(s) of the Contractor(s) the Technician is associated with. If the Technician is associated with a Contractor with the same Region as the Customer Site, the Technician can be assigned to Tasks performed at the Customer Site.

For more information on adding Regions to a Customer Site, refer to the Customer Sites page.

Using Regions with Work Groups

Regions are primarily used as a filtering criterion in Work Groups to help filter tasks and technicians so Web Users only see the tasks and technicians that they are responsible for.

For more information on adding Regions to a Work Group, refer to the Work Groups page.

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